Monday, September 22, 2008


I am standing in front of the "wang pu" river, in front of me was the river and some of the old building opposite the river bank. Some of the cargo ship passing one by one...with different kind of speed and sound, and some passenger cruise with beautiful light decorated the whole boat, this kind of cuiser will give very loud sound.."booo" when there are approching the shore or turning a new direction. The wind is blowing at my direction, a lot people was around me... there was a young men singing some cantonese songs.
Suddenly, this feeling has brought me back to my childhood, I still can remember one of the days when I was seaching some of the postcards at my grandmother room. I saw those beautiful scenery ..the ship with all sorts of beautiful light and the old "Shanghai Tai", in my heart, i told myself one day i want to be there.
Now, i standing there, the feeling is like know is like dreaming. Nothing very special anyway, just other place that people have some leisure time where tourist have their time passed.
What I want to tell is, at different point of time, we thought that is the thing we want, if i am there, it will be great or I may hve achieve something. However, When you are there, you will just feel that it is nothing special a all. Just like most Malaysian express themselves. A lot of time, we want to feel good, we thought this something will definately make me feel good or a sense of fulfilment.
Think about it...for me I have come to a without involving God is meaningless. It is just repeating some activities that most people that had been, have been or is being done in the history or present.
May God bless You!

*Do you notice that I type the "You" with capital letter "Y", means You are the only one in the eyes of God.

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